Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cowboy in the making?

Saturday we went to Katie's 3rd birthday party at The Barnyard at Park Lane. There were rabbits, goats, and chickens to pet. There was a bounce house and snacks and juice were avaliable inside the air conditioned "barn". Then there was the main attraction: Cinnamon the pony. Kids could ride cinnamon guided on a lead up and down a grassy path. Rett fell in L.O.V.E. with Cinamon. He rode her three times and wanted to stay by her and pet her the whole time. He was always very focused when riding and would say: Good girl, Cinnamon. You're nice, Cinnamon. and Yee-hah!! I think he might grow up to be a cowboy just so he can ride a horse all the time.
On the trail:

Riding with intent:

Petting the bunnies:

Ellie on Cinnamon


  1. So adorable!! I think someone needs a pony from Santa...

  2. How fun!!! So cool they offer pony rides now!
