Monday, June 7, 2010


I can't wait to tell you this! I got a new (well, new to me) camera..and not just any old point and shoot....a really great camera. I am SOOOOO excited. My friend Melissa (whom I frequently give photo credits to) got a new one for her birthday so I swooped in and made it known I would love to buy her old one. She gave me a great deal.
I think I am going to take a photography class at the community college down the street to learn the in and out's of it.

We went to the lake on Saturday evening to relax and visit with my parents, sister and brother and Lauren(my brother's girlfriend). Naturally I took my camera and "practiced" taking some pics. I took so many by the end of the day they were all calling me paparazzi!

I still have alot to learn...but here are a few from the weekend that I liked.

Ellie splahing in the baby pool

Rett floatin' in his boat:


Everytime SarahLyn see's Ellie she says: "I'm so happy you had a girl!"

A little hard to see, but Rett and SLC swinging from the rope swing:

A mini Ellie Photo-shoot:


  1. Gorgeous pics! You are a natural!!

  2. If you do take a class, let me know! I've been dying to take one since I got my camera (almost 2 years ago).

  3. Those pictures are amazing! You will be so glad to have all these pictures as the kids grow and change! What a great friend Melissa IS!
