Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ben's one month old

This past month has flown by. Maybe it's because I spent most of it in such a state of exhaustion that I don't really remember it all that clearly. Three kids has definitely been more challenging that I expected/prepared myself for. I can feel ourselves inching towards a daily routine and I can't wait for the day when I can predict nap times, play times, nursing, etc.

For those of you that have children you will understand when I say it feels like Ben's been here all along. He just fits right in. It's like he came home from the hospital and I suddenly can't remember life without him. Rett and Ellie adore him and he is really very tolerant of having them constantly in his face. Rett asks everyday if he can teach him how to crawl, and Ellie picks out toys for him to "play" with and tries to put them in his hand. Very cute!

We've had a little reflux issue so I ended up taking him to the pediatrician on his one month birthday. Low and behold the boy weighs 11.6 lbs!! He gained two pounds in two weeks. Whoo-hoo! Love it when I hear my baby is growing!

Here's Ben on August 8,2011 (his one month birthday)

This is a picture of Rett on his one month birthday, August 20,2007


Also, it just so happened that we went to my friend Lizzie's house to play on Ben's one month birthday and she did a little mini-photo are some of those pics. She did a fabulous job considering he was pretty fussy that day!


  1. Ohmygosh- Rett and Ben are identical! Love love love that!!! Beautiful pictures and I love the gorgeous one of Ellie!! XOXO!!

  2. When we were there two weeks ago, he looked nothing like Rett, but now there's a huge resemblance! Cute!

  3. The boys do look so much alike! I didn't see it at first, but wow! Very cute and I'm glad the rodeo was fun. Impressed Rett held up after LG camp all afternoon!!

  4. They look like twins!!! He is super precious:)
