Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Catch-up

I know its been awhile since I last posted. I have alot of excuses as to why I haven't posted: We have a newborn, we sold our house, we had a big garage sale, Troy changed jobs, we bought two new cars, we changed health insurance, I participated in two kids consignment sales, my purse was stolen out of our car, my house was a wreck, my kids were wild, and I was just too exhausted at the end of the day to blog. Today however, I had an extra cup of coffee around 1pm enabling me to stay up and post to my blog. Here's the events and fun things we've done since August. Sept 6,2011 Rett and Ellie started preschool and Mother's Day Out.
Sept 8,2011 Ben turns 2 months old
Sept 23,2011 My 30th birthday
Too much partying for Ben:
Sept 2011 Fall day at the Dallas Arboreteum
Oct 2011 State fair of Texas
Oct 8,2011 Ben turns 3 months old (check out those baby blues)


  1. Wow...unbelievable! I loved all the pic's and updates!
    You are AMAZING and a SUPER, Super-Mom!

  2. I enjoyed seeing the pictures! Love it that you updated! Kids are darling!
    Love, Mary Rhodes
