Monday, July 12, 2010

Wishin' for an endless night

Saturday night we went to a friends wedding. I knew the bride and groom from high school. I anticipated seeing lots of old high school friends many of whom I had not seen in at least five years, if not ten. I saw some of my old teachers, parents of friends and lots of familiar faces from long ago.
It was a beautiful wedding and the reception at the Filter building on White Rock Lake had stuning views of the lake. We danced and we drank and we (or rather I) talked and talked and talked. It was such a fun evening. We carpooled with my brother and his girlfriend (Lauren) who were also friends with the bride and groom. We went with them to the after party at Lauren's brother's house. Troy finally insisted that we call it a night at around 3:45AM! My feet were tired and my voice was getting hoarse but I didn't want to wrap it up. I likely won't see many of them again for a good, long while so it was hard to end the night.
Here are a few pics before the wedding.

Rett became really shy around all the "fancy" people: