Thursday, January 6, 2011

*Update to To good to be true*

Get this! Yesterday evening I checked my email one last time before hitting the hay. In my inbox was an email from the HR & Office manager of Batter Blaster! She read my product review on my blog and felt Batter Blaster was misrepresented and wants me to give the product another shot. I guess this really goes to show you never really know whos reading what you put out there into cyberspace.

Here's the email:

Hi JulieAnn,

I just read your review of Batter Blaster on your blog and it prompted me to email you right away!

First of all, I’d like to thank you for purchasing Batter Blaster. We take great pride in making sure that Batter Blaster is fast, easy, and fun for the whole family. Unfortunately, the way that you described the pancakes is absolutely nothing like the way Batter Blaster should work. In fact, it sounds very much like the batter was simply no longer fresh. If this was the case, the batter would be more difficult to cook; for example it would probably burn quickly before the insides have a chance to cook, which sounds very much like what you described. Also, the batter would have a sour/vinegary smell. Does that sound anything like your experience? If by any chance you still have your can, could you please tell me the time stamp and expiration date on the bottom of that can as well as the location of the Walmart store that you purchased it from? It would be greatly appreciated!

Regardless, I am certain that the batter you tried was not representative of our regular product and I would really love to send you a couple VIP coupons, each redeemable for a free can, so you can try some fresh Batter Blaster pancakes. I fully understand that a bad first impression of any product can leave you wary but I definitely think Batter Blaster seems like it would be a great fit for you and your family and honestly, I just hate to see someone have a bad experience with a product I know is so wonderful! If this is something you would be interested in, please just respond to this email with your physical mailing address and I’ll put these VIP coupons in the mail for you right away. I truly hope you give us another chance and get a replacement can of Batter Blaster at your local retailer!

Batter Blaster is a small, family-run company, staffed by people who love good food. We do think consciously about our impact on the environment. We hope that the product choices we have made -- organic ingredients, 100% recyclable containers (caps, nozzle and can), and a refrigerated, fresh product -- show our commitment to good, wholesome food and sustainability.


Sandy Castoro


  1. HOLY Moly!! How did you randomly find your blog? I hope second go around works better! Sounds neat!

  2. That's crazy! You'll have to post a follow-up on your second try, for sure.

  3. Yeah! you are the macdaddy! You POW those Pancake people! Congrats getting some Free coupons!

  4. Ok, so after reading the email from the Batter Blaster company I was i nspired to give it a try. I was very careful to check the expiration date on the bottom of the can since she said it sounded like yours might have been spoiled. I went to the nearest Kroger and got excited when I spotted several just above the eggs. And what do you know??? Every single can was expired! I'm not talking a couple days, I'm talking almost a month! I think this sounds super convienient and am determined to find it and try it as well, but beware of the expiration date FOR SURE!

  5. I'm eager to know what happens your second time around. I'll keep an eye out for it when I shop too and see if I can get my hands on some that isn't expired.

  6. I bought another can at Central Market - with a March expiration date. We tried it this morning and it was SO MUCH better than the last time I tried them. I guess I got an expired can, too. The kids liked them a lot.
